Scan your feet and forget about shoe sizes
After you have placed an order we figure out the right size for you.
Step 1:
Download the free app
⚠️ ATTENTION: As you are at a computer or laptop, you need to scan this QR code with your smartphone to install the app. This starts a process in our backend to sync your scan with our database:
- Please scan this QR code to download the app on your smartphone.
- Enter the same email address as in your IMOTANA account.
- You will receive a confirmation code on this email.
Please enter this code.
Step 2:
Scan your feet
Scan Tutorial Video:
- Starte den Scan indem du den Button mit den Füßen wählst.
- Folge den Anweisungen in der App
- Überprüfe den Scan-Resultat im Feld mit dem Maßband. Ist das deiner Meinung nach OK?
- Du kannst den Scan gerne aktualisieren. Zwei bis Drei Scans bringen das beste Ergebnis.

Step 3:
Connect the scan to our system
- Scan the QR code again with your smartphone to link the scan to our system.
- The message appears:
That's it!
We now calculate your "Perfect Fit
Scan Tutorial Video:
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